Speak Swedish
Fluently & Confidently

We help non-native speakers
clearly & fluently in Swedish

Swedish Pronunciation Course

Swedish Pronunciation 

FREE Swedish pronunciation course
 Start sounding more fluent in Swedish!

Learn Swedish Online with Swedish Like A Native

Swedish Courses

Unique Swedish courses that focus on  
fluency & real-life language use!

Study Swedish at Work

Learn Swedish
at Work

Swedish courses for employees
(group and one-to-one courses)

Speak Swedish Fluently & Confidently

Online Swedish Courses

Do you want to improve your Swedish pronunciation and speak Swedish fluently, so you can do business, build relationships and achieve your goals in Swedish more easily?

Well, we, Swedish teachers at Like A Native are here to help you!

Study Swedish with expert Swedish teachers! Take our online Swedish courses that will help you:

speak Swedish fluently and naturally​​​​

communicate in Swedish with confidence and ease

improve your speaking skills so you can relax & enjoy your conversations in Swedish


Read What Our Corporate Clients Have to Say!

"Like A Native has been instrumental in helping our employees integrate into Swedish society, particularly in everyday situations like interacting with people in their immediate surroundings. The high-quality classes focus on practical, daily language use, which our team members love. This approach has improved their Swedish and helped them build new networks. Our employees feel more secure and at ease in their new home environment, leading to happier, more integrated lives here in Sweden. Choosing Like A Native has been one of our best decisions for supporting our team's language learning needs."
Sara Ponnert  

Location Manager Malmö

"Like A Native’s courses have greatly boosted our employees' confidence in speaking Swedish here at Massive Entertainment. Their focus on pronunciation and everyday spoken Swedish has alleviated fears of being misunderstood. Natalia and Bojana’s relatable approach as non-native speakers themselves makes their teaching unique and effective. Our employees now use Swedish more confidently, improving their wellbeing and our workplace atmosphere. Investing in these courses has been a valuable part of our retention strategy. We highly recommend Like A Native for their exceptional and effective Swedish language courses."
Laureline Rossigneux

Learning & Development Specialist


How to Communicate in Swedish  Like A Native

You speak Swedish fluently and naturally

You understand Swedes and Swedes understand you

You speak Swedish with ease & your conversations in Swedish flow naturally

You speak Swedish clearly and naturally

You understand Swedes and Swedes understand you

You speak Swedish with ease & communication flows


Years Teaching




Years Teaching


Teaching Hours


Years Online


Years Teaching




Years Teaching


Teaching Hours


Years Online

Your Swedish Teachers

Hi! We’re Bojana and Natalia, certified Swedish teachers and founders of Like A Native

We help non-native speakers of Swedish improve their pronunciation and fluency so they can speak Swedish with confidence and ease

Unlike standard Swedish courses, we focus on those essential features of Swedish that allow you to achieve your communication goals QUICKLY and EFFECTIVELY

Our  courses are unique because they focus on the aspects of Swedish that have the biggest impact on successful communication.

Our teaching career has spanned 20 years. Starting as certified teachers in Swedish as a second language in adult education, we went on and worked as university lecturers, corporate Swedish trainers, and now as Swedish pronunciation and fluency coaches

Our goal is to help you feel comfortable when you speak Swedish, so you can relax and communicate in Swedish with confidence and ease

Swedish Teachers

Success Stories
See what type of results our STUDENTS ARE ALREADY HAVING

"After attending 3 different Swedish courses and despite receiving very high scores on tests, people still couldn’t understand my Swedish. Finally, I found a teacher who could point out what the problems were and teach me effective strategies to improve my pronunciation and to understand Swedes better. It really works!"

Yaqin Chen

IT Engineer, China

"The pronunciation classes I took were identical to piano lessons because you are forced to consistently hit the right notes. The lessons helped me understand the distinctive rhythm of Swedish and gain much more fluency. I finally gained the knowledge and the confidence to speak with strangers in Swedish in a timeframe that surpassed my expectations. If you are serious about improving your Swedish, I strongly recommend Like A Native’s courses."

Miguel P. Gomes

Engineer/Project Manager, Portugal

"I not only learned the basics, but also received help with understanding the cultural context and how Swedish is used and sounds in real life. Now I understand Swedish and Swedes better. I really want Like A Native's courses to benefit thousands like me. Thank you for delivering strategies that actually work and helping me get real results! "

Dr. Shrikrishna Tiwari

Program Manager, India

Why Learn Swedish With Us?


Certified Swedish Teachers

We are qualified for the job! We are certified Swedish teachers and linguists. Inspired by our own successful journeys of mastering Swedish, we create the best & the most positive learning experience for our students


Experienced Swedish Teachers

We have taught Swedish to people from over 97 different countries for the past 20 years. Experience of teaching a Swedish pronunciation course for advanced students of Swedish at Malmö University.


Speak Swedish Fluently Effectively

We have developed very effective methods to help adult students achieve fluency faster. Our courses focus on those features of Swedish that have the biggest impact on communication, providing the fastest & most effective results.


Swedish Language Courses

We make sure our courses offer a positive language learning experience for our students.
We guarantee our students will feel supported and motivated all the way in our courses.